This strawberry cheesecake bagatelle is a visually stunning and deliciously plated dessert that is ideal.
for chaque occasion. Graham's layers of creamy cheesecake, fresh strawberries, and biscuits
Miettes, c'est un élaboré mélange de textures et de saveurs. This is a detailed recipe to make this
lovely dessert.
Regarding the cheesecake couche:
Two packages (each containing eight pieces) of cheese, ramolli
One teaspoon of powdered sugar
One cuillère à café with vanilla extract
Two thick tasses of cream that have been whipped in firm peaks
Four fresh, decorated, and tranchée strawberries are needed for the strawberry couche.
1/4 cup powdered sugar (facultatif, adjust to taste)
Regarding Graham's biscuit couch:
Graham biscuit tasses, two in number
1/2 cup unsalted butter, melted
1/4 cup of powdered sugar
Unspecified ingredients:
Crème fouettée pour l'accessoire (accessoire)
Additional fries for the garnish
Step 1: Prepare the cheesecake layer
Mash the cheese into the cream in a large bowl until a smooth and creamy consistency is achieved.
Pour l'extrait de vanille et le sucre en poudre et battre jusqu'à ce que tout soit bien mélangé.
Gently incorporate the whipped cream until it is well incorporated. Setting aside.
Step 2: Set up the frost blanket
In a medium bowl, combine the chopped strawberries and, if desired, the crystallized sugar. Give them time to relax.
around ten minutes to release their judgment.
Step 3: Arrange the Graham cracker couch
Place the Graham cracker crust, melted butter, and crystallized sugar in a bowl. Blending up till the
The miettes have a nice butter coating.
Step 4: Put the bagatelle together
Start by spreading a layer of the cheesecake mixture on top of a large plate or clear glass bowl.
Place a layer of strawberries on top of the cheesecake layer.
Toss a layer of Graham cracker crumbs over the strawberries.
Continue these layers, ending with a layer of cheesecake mixture on top.
Step 5: