It is recommended that you give this straightforward and satisfying way of growing potatoes in a tower a go if you have a passion for potatoes and would want to have access to a fresh supply that comes directly from your own garden. This simple afternoon project may provide you and your family with potatoes for many weeks, and it requires very little maintenance on your part. In addition, if you plan ahead, you may have potatoes during the whole growing season, which will allow you to stretch your harvest far into the months when it is colder.
Determine the Appropriate Location:
Choose an area in your garden or yard that gets enough of sunlight for the potato tower. At least six to eight hours of sunshine every day is necessary for the growth of potatoes. It is important to prepare the area by removing any weeds or trash in order to produce an atmosphere that is conducive to growth.
Constructing the Tower One way to build a tower is to use chicken wire or fence to create a cylindrical shape. You should aim for a height of three to four feet and a circumference of two to three feet. A large amount of room is provided for the potatoes to develop vertically, which allows for the highest possible output in a relatively small area.
Utilizing Straw to Line the Tower In order to facilitate drainage and aeration, it is recommended that straw be used to line the bottom of the tower. On top of the straw, add about one foot of soil that is rich in nutrients. If you want to make sure that the potatoes get the nutrients they need, you should either use high-quality soil or supplement it with compost.
When planting seed potatoes, position them about three to four inches away from the inner edge of the tower. Seed potatoes are tiny, complete potatoes or pieces that have at least two eyes apiece. Allow for opportunity for development without causing them to get overcrowded by spacing them roughly six inches apart.
Filling it to the Top: As the potato plants continue to expand, continue to add layers of straw and soil to the tower as required. This will ensure that there is sufficient room for the plants to grow. As the stems continue to grow larger, add more layers, and the potatoes will develop along the stems that have been buried.