13 People Whose Misfortunes Could Fill a Best-Selling Horror Novel 📖💀


  • Tsutomu Yamaguchi was in Hiroshima when the atomic bomb was dropped—but survived.
  • He traveled to Nagasaki the next day… where the second bomb dropped.
  • He survived both nuclear explosions and lived to be 93 years old.

6️⃣ The Teen Who Woke Up at Her Own Funeral ⚰️😨

  • In 2014, a 16-year-old girl from Honduras was pronounced dead after a severe illness.
  • During her funeral, people heard knocking from inside the coffin—she was alive.
  • Sadly, she passed away for real a day later.

7️⃣ The Kid Who Got Stuck in a Claw Machine for Hours 🕹️👦

  • A toddler climbed inside a claw machine at a mall and got trapped.
  • He played with the toys for two hours before security could rescue him.

8️⃣ The Man Who Was Declared Dead—But Wasn’t ☠️😱

  • A man woke up in a body bag at a morgue—after doctors declared him dead.
  • He banged on the body freezer and freaked out the morgue staff.

9️⃣ The Hiker Who Took a Wrong Turn… and Vanished 🏔️🚶‍♂️

  • A hiker in Yosemite National Park took a wrong turn and disappeared for 5 days.
  • When found, he had been stalked by a mountain lion but never realized it until rescuers showed him claw marks nearby.

🔟 The Woman Who Found a Stranger Living in Her Attic 🏚️😨

  • After hearing strange noises at night, a woman found a man living in her attic for months.
  • He had been sneaking into the kitchen to steal food while she was asleep.

1️⃣1️⃣ The Man Who Won the Lottery… Then Lost Everything 💸❌

  • A man won $10 million in the lottery—only to lose it all in divorces, gambling, and scams within 5 years.
  • He now works a minimum-wage job again.

1️⃣2️⃣ The Babysitter Who Got Creepy Texts… from Inside the House 📱🏠

  • A teenage babysitter got chilling texts about the kids she was watching.
  • Turns out, the messages were coming from inside the house—where the ex-boyfriend of the family was hiding.

1️⃣3️⃣ The Man Who Cheated Death 3 Times in One Day 🚗🔥

  • A man got into a car accident and narrowly escaped.
  • Later that day, his house caught fire, and he made it out.
  • That same night, a tree fell through his roofand he lived through all of it!

💀 Final Thoughts: Some People Are Just Unlucky… or Cursed?

Life is full of unexpected twists, but for these 13 people, their stories sound straight out of a horror novel.

💬 Which story shocked you the most? Would you survive any of these nightmares? Drop a comment below! ⬇️😱🔥