Have you noticed any marks on your nails lately? While usually not a big issue, these marks can sometimes show that there are hidden health problems or a lack of nutrients. Here is more information about what causes ridges on nails and when it might be a good idea to see a doctor.
Please provide the text that you would like me to simplify. Aging
As you get older, it is normal for the vertical lines on your nails to become more visible. These lines typically run from the bottom to the tip of the nail and are usually not a concern.
Please provide the text you would like me to simplify. Not enough essential nutrients.
Lacking certain nutrients can also lead to changes in nail health, such as the appearance of vertical lines on the nails. Important nutrients for maintaining healthy nails include:
Proteins: Nails are mostly made of a protein called keratin. If you don't get enough protein, your body may struggle to make your nails strong and healthy.
Vitamin B12: