Recipe for Chicken and Dumplings Soup 🍲


1️⃣ Prepare the vegetables by cooking them.
In a big pot, melt the butter on medium heat. Put the onions, carrots, and celery in the pan and cook until the onion is soft and see-through. Add the garlic and cook for 30 seconds until it smells good.

2️⃣ Put the broth and chicken in.
Add the chicken broth and put in the shredded chicken. Add salt, pepper, bay leaves, and parsley for flavor. Heat the soup until it boils. Then, lower the heat and let it simmer while you make the dumplings.

3️⃣ Prepare the dumplings:
In a big bowl, mix together the flour, baking powder, and salt. Shred the cold butter into the flour mix and mix it well until the butter is covered with flour. Add the milk and mix until the dough comes together in a ball. If necessary, press it a few times.

4️⃣ Prepare the dumplings:
Take small 1-inch pieces of dough and put them into the hot soup. Put a lid on the pot and let it cook gently for 15-20 minutes until the dumplings rise to the surface and are fully cooked.

Make the soup thicker.
To make the soup thicker, mix cornstarch with water until it forms a smooth mixture. Mix it into the soup, stirring constantly until the broth becomes thicker.

Serve and enjoy.
Serve the Chicken & Dumplings Soup in bowls and savor this comforting meal!

Time needed to prepare: 15 minutes
Time to cook: 35 minutes
Number of portions: 6 to 8