Traditional homemade crepes.


Make the batter:

In a large bowl, whisk together the flour and eggs.

Slowly add the milk and water, stirring until well combined.

Add a little salt and melted butter, then mix well until the batter is smooth and lump-free.

Let the dough rest for at least 30 minutes at room temperature. This helps loosen the batter and make the crepes fluffier.

Make crepes:

Heat a nonstick skillet with a little oil or butter over medium-high heat.

Add about a quarter cup of batter to the middle of the pan. Tilt the pan and immediately rotate it in circles to spread the batter evenly over the surface.

Let the crepe cook for 1 to 2 minutes, until the edges rise and the bottom part is a little golden. Turn the pancake with a spatula and cook the other side for 1 minute more.

Remove the crepa from the sartén and ponla in a plato. Do the same thing with the rest of the batter, putting one pancake on top of the other as you go.

Prepare crepas: Make crepas with all the ingredients, dulces or favorite salads. To make crepas dulces, you can enjoy them with Nutella, frutas frescas, crema batida or azúcar glass.

To make crepas saladas, you can use jamón, queso, salted greens or moist salmon.

Roll up or double the crepas and sírvalas immediately.

Advice and alternative options.

To make sweet crepas, add 1 to 2 tablespoons of azúcar and one vanilla essence spoon to the masa to obtain a sweeter version.

To add more flavor to the crepe salads, you can add some ingredients like chives, mix or add to the masa.

Consistency: Adjust the dough by adding a little more milk or water if it seems too thick.

The mass must be sufficiently large to extend easily, but not overly liquid.

Final thoughts The crepas caseras are a delicious and versatile dish that can be enjoyed at dinner, at brunch, at dinner or at dinner.

Crepes are very delicate and can be filled in many different ways to impress your family and friends.

Follow these easy steps to make delicious crepes that will please everyone in your home.

Key words

Creps casos

Receta tradicional de crepas.

Panqueques franceses

Panqueques dulces

Pancakes with savory fillings

Receta simple de crepas

Crepes delgadas.

Crepes versátiles.