A Delicious Vegetarian Breakfast: Cabbage and Egg Wrap


Warm up the pan: Begin your day by heating olive oil in a pan on medium heat.

Cook the chopped onion in the pan until it becomes soft and see-through. This creates the tasty foundation for your morning tortilla.

Add the minced garlic and cook for one more minute, so the tasty garlic mixes with the onions.

Colorful Vegetables: Put the chopped carrot in the pan and cook for around 2 minutes until it begins to get soft.

Main Ingredient: Add the chopped cabbage to the pan to make it more flavorful. Cook for 3-5 minutes, or until the cabbage is soft. Add a lot of salt and black pepper to your liking.

Great Addition: In another bowl, mix the eggs, salt, and black pepper with a whisk. This makes a light and flavorful egg mixture that will hold everything together.

To make the Tortilla Delight, put the cooked vegetables in the pan and add a lot of mozzarella cheese on top. This makes the final dish creamy and gooey.

Pour the egg mixture over the vegetables and cheese. Finish by adding the chopped green onion to give it a fresh flavor.

Put one tortilla on top of the mixture in the pan. Pour a little oil on the sides of the pan to help make the tortilla crispy. Using a spatula, gently turn the whole thing over, making sure nothing falls apart.

Add more melted mozzarella cheese on the other side. Put the second tortilla on the pan to make a closed package. Cook for 3 minutes until the bottom tortilla becomes crispy.

Make sure to flip the whole thing over one more time and cook for 2 more minutes to make the second tortilla crispy and melt the cheese evenly.

Cut the cooked cabbage and egg tortilla into wedges on a cutting board, similar to slicing a pizza. This simplifies serving and sharing.

Enjoy a tasty and filling vegetarian breakfast by serving your hot Cabbage and Egg Breakfast Tortilla.

Additional Details:

Don't have mozzarella cheese? You can use a different type of shredded cheese that melts easily, such as cheddar or Monterey Jack.

You can also include other diced vegetables like colorful peppers, mushrooms, or leafy spinach.

You can keep extra food in a sealed container in the fridge for 2 days. Warm up slowly in a pan over low heat until heated.

Final thoughts:

This Cabbage and Egg Breakfast Tortilla shows that vegetarian dishes can be very tasty and fulfilling. Forget about the restrictions and welcome the tasty options of this vegetable-filled breakfast recipe!