Tips to be careful with when using apple cider vinegar.


Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is well-known for its possible health advantages, such as helping with losing weight and enhancing heart health. Like with any treatment, there are specific steps you should follow when using ACV regularly. Here is a helpful guide on what to steer clear of to make sure you get the most out of something without any negative consequences.

**1. Don't drink apple cider vinegar by itself: Pure apple cider vinegar is very acidic and can harm your teeth or throat if you drink it without mixing it with water or other liquids. Always dilute it with water—usually one to three teaspoons in a big glass of water.

**2. Don't drink apple cider vinegar before going to bed because it can cause discomfort and acid reflux. Wait at least 30 minutes before going to bed after drinking apple cider vinegar to allow your body to digest it.