Grandma's Meatloaf


That's how it works.
First, you need to divide the eggs to get the yolks. Next, combine the egg yolks and strain them before pouring into small, greased glasses.
Next, place the egg yolk in a container and cook it in a water bath for 40 minutes until it solidifies.
Important: The water should not reach boiling point. The best water temperature for cooking this type of egg is 80 °C.
Next, take out the egg yolks that are still warm from the glasses and place them gently in slightly bigger glasses that have been greased. Next, strain the egg whites through a sieve into the glasses with the egg yolks.
Next, put the lids on the jars and place them in a pot of water to cook for 60-90 minutes. After that, allow them to cool.
Next, combine all the ingredients for the ground meat. Spread the ground meat evenly on a big piece of parchment paper. Top it with cheese and then with slices of ham.
Next, gently take out the eggs from the jars and place them in the center of the ground meat. Now, wrap the ground meat using the parchment paper and firmly press it into the corners.
6. Put oil in a pan and cook the meatloaf on all sides.
Next, put in root vegetables, tomato paste, and a bit of salt and cook them quickly. After that, pour in broth and let it all simmer for a short time.
Combine the breadcrumbs, parsley, and melted butter. Spread the mixture over the meatloaf. Next, put the filled toy rabbit and the root vegetables in the oven and bake them for 30 minutes at 180 °C. Great! If you provide me with the text you'd like me to simplify, I'll be happy to help.