One of the most prevalent issues in our houses is the presence of insects, with cockroaches and ants being the most common. Thankfully, there are natural solutions that may be used to permanently keep off these unpleasant visitors.
It goes beyond convenience or aesthetics when it comes to getting rid of ants and cockroaches. Despite their diminutive size and lack of danger, these insects are thought to be carriers of harmful pathogens and illness. Worse yet, they generally go after our meals.
The first line of defense against discovering ants and cockroaches in your house is to keep everything clean and organized. But sometimes, it may not be sufficient.
Here is a list of essential oils that can help us keep these unpleasant visitors away because of their repellent properties.
oil of mint. It is one of the best oils for repelling cockroaches and may even be poisonous to them. Add a couple of drops to the floor-washing water. As an alternative, insert peppermint oil-soaked cotton balls at the insect entrance locations.
oil of eucalyptus. For us humans, their scent is really nice, but insects cannot stand it. You may use it to clean the floor as well as combine it with water and mist the corners of your house.
Cedar oil. It's a natural pesticide that works wonders on ants and cockroaches while leaving the whole home smelling wonderful.