Discovering the various applications you may not have thought of might result from realizing the possibilities of common home products. This time, let's explore creating a DIY stain remover soap by using hydrogen peroxide. This soap is well-known for its bleaching properties and works especially well on white clothing, kitchen towels, and other white materials. It provides a bleaching solution without the use of chlorine.
This is a really simple do-it-yourself activity that gives textiles a soft care that sets it apart. You may achieve flawless cleaning without using harsh scrubbing by soaking the soiled goods overnight. This preserves the integrity of the fabric.
One bar of coconut soap
Two heated liters of water
500 ml of detergent with a coconut base
Four 80 ml bottles of hydrogen peroxide in 40 volume
Method: Firstly, grate the coconut soap finely to make sure it dissolves readily.
Grated soap and two liters of hot water should be combined in a big pot or container. Stir the mixture constantly until all of the soap has dissolved and it is uniform.
Stir the detergent made from coconuts into the mixture until it is well combined.
One bottle at a time, gradually add the hydrogen peroxide, mixing well for at least five minutes after each addition. Let the mixture settle for about six hours. This will improve the soap's efficacy and consistency.