Put the bacon in a large pot and cook it until the fat becomes crispy. Take out of the pan and place to the side. Remove most of the bacon grease from the pan, but do not wash it. Put the pan back on the stove over medium heat and add the onion, celery, and carrot.
Mix and cook for two minutes. Next, put in the chopped potatoes, salt, pepper, and any other spices you prefer.
Add the broth and heat until it starts to boil gently.
Cook for 10 minutes or until the potatoes begin to get soft.
Mix the flour and milk, then pour into the pot and stir non-stop.
Gently remove ¼ to ½ of the soup and blend it until it is smooth using a blender or food processor.
Put this back into the pot slowly and carefully to avoid splashing and getting burned.
Mix in the crumbled bacon, saving some for decoration.
Put in bowls and add parsley, bacon, and a bit of cheese on top.
Continue cooking for 5 more minutes.