Homemade Tapioca Pudding: Among all the sweets available, tapioca pudding could be the most divisive. Some people are infatuated with it, while others find it intolerable. I firmly belong in the "like it" group, maybe because I grew up with the home version. It's a traditional meal that tastes sweet, creamy, and delightful. Children always smile at the first mouthful.
I really feel that home is the only option, even if you don't see individuals doing this very frequently these days. The finest handmade makeup is incomparable to pudding from the store. Fortunately, doing this is rather simple!

INGREDIENTS: ½ cup tiny tapioca pearls; 4 cups whole or 2 percent milk
 Three eggs  ¾ cup white sugar
 1. Rinse the tapioca pearls, then transfer them to a small bowl and add water to cover. Give it 45 to 60 minutes to sit.